Beautiful morning dew (taken in July 2010)

June 29, 2010

The start of a beautiful friendship.

Went to tutto bene with tash lukman for lunch. Risotto with gorgonzola cream was delish! I was def delighted. Soo good! Id want to go back also because service was really good as well! Food was decently priced and atmosphere was nice. Id want to try the other restaurants there in southgate too. It was great catching up. Def did not just do small talk. I feel that shes honest about how she feels. I like it. I can relate to her when she says that she often feels like shes not part of any culture. Went to crown to see the casino. This is how luxury living feels like. Somehow it feels too grandeur and just plain wrong. I want to strive to live like warren buffett. Enough to get by and the rest donated to charity.

After seeing a game of roulette (i was mortified when i saw each chip was worth 5 dollars and this lady had a huge stack...all i could think of was the plates of amazing food i could have instead. Wow i think about food wayy too much), anyways, it makes me wonder why do people gamble in spite of knowing they will lose money overall? Its mystifying me. Then i ate rum and raisin ice cream at the crown food court while in the company of tash drawing in her sketchbook. Was delish! It was cool seeing tash sketch, too bad i didnt get a picture of her sketching. Then i asked her about where she gets her inspirations from. She wishes to someday perhaps to be a fashion designer. She wants to live in the suburbs and reckons it would be nice to also have an apartment in the city. Thats a cool idea. Id want a studio in the city where i get away alone and just self reflect and unleash my creativity. Weird but though we were both in canada before, we never really hung out or talked. Somehow i feel that we are in similar shoes with regards to our parent situations. We made plans to hang out in december and i intend to keep it. On the way to southern cross train station on the train, we had a discussion on religion. Didnt know that shes not very religious. Had a great discussion. This could be the start of a blossoming and beautiful friendship.

June 25, 2010

The Facebook Project

I am stopping my blog updates temporarily as I find that my life is too much of an open book and I have recently found this unsettling because I've come to realize that trust is earned. People should earn your trust first before gaining knowledge about you. Also, I'm beginning to realize that my musings here on this public blog are too one way and I don't really get to understand or find out what the reader (whoever they are) thinks. I miss many face to face conversations. This move to stop blogging temporarily also coincides with my personal project I call "the Facebook Project" that involves me deactivating facebook for a full year for multitudes of reasons that I have chosen not to discuss publicly.