So I woke up at 2am today and decided to watch some motivational speakers on youtube. This is a summary of what I’ve learned:

“Work harder on yourself than your job” – Jim Rohn
Anthony robbins says that:
- The difference between those who succeed and those who don’t is in their musts and shoulds so you should turn your shoulds into musts (basically must be disciplined)
- life will pay any price you ask of it- if you only want 25 cents, you will get only 25 cents
- clarity is power- so you know the exact result you want in all aspects of your life
- purpose- ask yourself why you want to do this?
- you must use RPM to get to your goal:
result- you must know what result you want to succeed (clarity of it)
massive action plan? – what do you need to do to make it happen

Jack Canfield says that

- it is very important to plan your day the night before because then you know what YOU want and you won’t just be responding to the needs of others

Arnold Nerenberg says that

- keeping your priority requires you to have a congruency of words and actions (something I definitely need to work on…funny he said “im going to study…and then you dont study” LOL exactly what i’m not doing now)

-priorities are governed by pleasure and pain (we are motivated by avoiding the pain and maximizing the pleasure) and this is tied together with your values (i.e. family)