Beautiful morning dew (taken in July 2010)

May 21, 2010

Perhaps things are looking up!

I was sitting in class today feeling stressed out over my current housing situation (we've had some issues with the renting agent and the outcome of it could result in eviction) and also I was feeling annoyed at myself for not finishing my study for the 2% quiz at noon today. Then I thought back to October-November of 2009 when I was feeling overwhelmed over this 40% written project for my Organogenesis course where my group had to write up a report on a novel technology our group came up with after reading all these scientific articles (in total I read at least 30 articles, each 20 pages long and with all these complex words). I remembered the sense of doom that I felt (I didn't get a medical school interview yet back then and so my logic was- I do horrible in this project, everyone in my group does horrible and all of us aren't going anywhere near a medical school. No pressure you know...). Plus, it was one of those projects where when you thought you had gotten somewhere, then met up with the professor to discuss your well thought out ideas, then realized that you are back at square one. This happened so many times and even near the end. Turns out it wasn't so bad after all, we ended up with a mark over 80. Looking back though, that project was the sole thing that bugged me through the whole semester. It's the exact same feeling that I feel right now, but when I think back on how it all worked out in the end, this whole housing situation doesn't seem so bad after all. I mean things could be much worse right!

Life is never easy, it never will be. Especially as physicians, it sure as hell ain't going to be! This week in our Ecology of Health class we talked about professionalism in healthcare and situations that we might come across as health practitioners that would challenge such professionalism. Most of the scenarios are very realistic and opened my eyes to the realities of medicine. You will make mistakes, some people will be angry at you for standing your ground (or not standing your ground if you choose so). It won't be all glorious and dandy. But at the end of the day I think what will get me through that, and situations/ worry that I currently have is the thought that "this too, shall pass."

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