Beautiful morning dew (taken in July 2010)

May 24, 2010

Positives of being an LGBT individual- something to look forward to in old age!

Turns out this Human Biology reading has more relevance than I initially thought it would. On the topic of aging, it seems that there are some positives of being an LGBT individual who is aging. Apparently, aging as an LGBT individual would be easier than heterosexuals because
- LGBT already have support outside of their family so they don't experience the empty nest syndrome
- they also have experienced the stigma of homosexuality so they would adjust better to the stigma of ageism
- the LGBT community gives them many social contacts outside of work so work retirement does not mean changed friend networks

How cool is that? I can just imagine a physician telling his/her patient "Well on the bright side, since you've been discriminated against your whole life for being an LGBT individual, you will be able to cope better with aging!"

Oh, the things you learn in medicine. I absolutely love it! (No, it's not the buzz. My chardonnay buzz is gone already)

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