Beautiful morning dew (taken in July 2010)

May 8, 2010

Red Party and the Shit Show Night

I biked to campus at night with my roomie Christine and decided halfway there that I don't really want to party, so I ended up biking with her to the Douglas area. I must say, it was a very calming bike ride with the breeze blowing in my face. It was perfect biking weather. Then at the last minute, after getting a phone call from Ash asking me where I was since she was already at the pre-drink, I made up my mind to go! I'm super glad I went though! Some highlights from the night that I was reminded today when I chatted with people who went were:
- I said specific words with an attempted Aussie accent. My current specialty words are Saturday, here, better. I tried to incorporate these words into sentences as much as possible. So now I speak with a Canadian accent with a tinge of Aussie accent (It sounds funny let me tell you!) I must say though, speaking like that made me feel special. Like more Australian. Though I heard that Aussies like the Canadian accent, so I think I might try very hard to keep this Canadian accent.
- I wanted to sing so badly when I saw people performing on the stage and I tried convincing this guy I met at med camp (forgot his name) to play the guitar while I sang but apparently you can't perform if you weren't part of the original line-up. POO!
- The bartender didn't know what a screwdriver drink was and I had to explain to her what it was made of
- I helped a girl crying in the washroom who said that she has chest pains. Apparently I find joy in helping crying people when I'm drunk. I remembered asking her some medical questions like "Do you have a heart condition?" or "Did you exercise today, that might explain why you feel some chest tightness?" and she eventually got up (maybe she just got annoyed at my questions but then she stopped crying and said thanks to's hard to read non-verbal communication when you are quite drunk so it's really up in the air really) I don't know what happened to her after that though, though this other girl was like "OMG THAT GIRL YELLED AT ME AFTER SHE LEFT THE TOILET" haha!
- I remembered smoking the last part of a cigarette and burning the tips of my finger at the last puff (Somehow my brain didn't register the need for me to put out the cigarette). Oh alcohol!
- I kept on thinking this girl's name was Liz when her name was actually Becky. Epic fail!
- I remembered being pushed into the dancing circle and not being ready and falling on the ground (ended up in a sitting position) and not being able to get up myself and needing some help
- I remembered introducing myself to people multiple times and they would answer "Yes, we just met a few moments ago"
- I danced between 2 gay guys at Mad Cow bar...and realized only after their flamboyant dance moves (this is like 10 songs later) that they were together and I probably did interrupt their dancing...I'm beginning to think that I have this affinity towards gravitating my dancing towards gay people. Good thing? Bad thing? I still haven't decided this.
- I just spoke to this guy on facebook chat and apparently I told him something private last night. Surprise surprise, I tend to come out to people when I'm drunk. I wonder who else I told this to. Hmm...*ponder ponder*
- Apparently Pranav said that I fell asleep while texting on the bus and Theresa was like "Look, Izzy can text when she's asleep!" and Pranav was like "her eyes are closed..." but apparently I woke up to continue texting- I vaguely remember this but I remember being really exhausted
- I remembered being convinced to go to "the shed" and agreeing to go, so we left Mad Cow to go to "the shed", so I txted Pranav that I was going to the shed...but right after we left we (don't remember who the we consisted of really) decided not to I walk into Mad Cow to see Pranav looking at his text from me and looking confused. I proceed to tell him to ignore that last text. Today I think about it and wonder, why is it that I agreed to go to this shed? When I told him this story, Matt said, "Hey Izzy, don't forget to bring me back a shovel from the shed" LOL Thanks Matt.

That's it for now until I hear more stories as to what happened during this night.

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